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- ¤1Kingpin is one of the co-editors in
- ¤2RAW¤1. Read and get to know him a bit
- better!
- ¤6C = Calvin ¤8K = Kingpin
- ¤6C: Hi there! How are you doing? Please
- introduce yourself to our readers.
- ¤8K: I am fine, thanks. Well, my handle
- is Kingpin and I am a member of Pure
- Metal Coders. My main functions are
- helping out with RAW and doing some
- swapping on the side. My real name is
- Eric Stevens and I am 18 years old. If
- you think that my name sounds a bit
- American, you have guessed right. I am
- an American, but have lived in Norway
- since I was 2 years old.
- ð
- ¤6C: Well, atleast you got two happy
- years in your life... How is your
- social life? Are you studying or
- working?
- ¤8K: My social life is quite boring
- compared to all the booze-and-party-
- all-the-time members of the scene. I
- am going to local business school,
- where I study economy and computers
- (sort of!).
- ¤6C: Sounds interesting. What kind of
- music do you like?
- ¤8K: At the moment I like to listen to
- the new CD from Megadeth; 'Countdown
- to Extinction'. I also like a not so
- well known band called 'Suicidal
- Tendencies' who I think are really
- great. Generally I like to listen to
- all music sorts, except the kind my
- mother listens to (Whitney Houston,
- Ð
- ¤8etc).
- ¤6C: How are your relations to the rest
- of the Norwegian scene?
- ¤8K: I know most of the 'big' groups in
- the Norwegian scene personally (Andro-
- meda, Spaceballs, Cryptoburnes), but I
- dont have as many Norwegian contacts
- as I would have liked (but I am lazy,
- if that counts). I know most of the
- members of Andromeda and Spaceballs,
- but only a few in Cryptoburners.
- ¤6C: What do you think about the follo-
- wing Norwegian groups:
- Cryptoburners?
- ¤8K: They have finally started to get
- things together, like the new version
- of Protracker, and they will soon re-
- lease some demos. I can't wait.
- ð
- ¤6Crusaders?
- ¤8K: They have gone VERY quiet, but I am
- looking forward to the Gathering which
- promises to be quite good. Their last
- party was really excellent.
- ¤6Spaceballs?
- ¤8K: They are fighting with Andromeda to
- be the best group in Norway, they have
- some really cool dudes in their team.
- Their last demo; 'SOTA' was really
- great. They are the less serious group
- of Spaceballs and Andromeda, and that
- counts for a great deal (I think!).
- ¤6Andromeda?
- ¤8K: They are the most productive team
- in Norway (maybe Europe), but I think
- they are doing their demos too
- serious. Their members are among the
- Ð
- ¤8best in the world, but as I said
- earlier; they sometimes take the scene
- a bit too serious (I probably will be
- beaten up for saying this, as I was
- when I included Andromeda in my 'Big
- Fish Eat Small Fish' article in RAW 4)
- And worth mentioning is the very
- SPECIAL humour that Hydra and Mr. Hyde
- have (enough to drive you crazy).
- ¤6C: If you were able to code and design
- a demo all by yourself, how would it
- look like?
- ¤8K: It would have a glenz logo of RAW
- in 125312 faces, which rotated on
- three axis, every frame (of course!),
- and that would only be the boot. Then
- I would have some cool music and
- graphics and when everybody have re-
- laxed in their seats, I turn on extre-
- mely fast?? epelep...
- ð
- ¤6C: Mmm, sounds great! Do you have any
- special plans for the future?
- ¤8K: Well, yes. First of all, to release
- RAW issue 5, then to win the football
- compo at the Gathering'93, but after
- that things become a bit more clouded.
- ¤6C: According to me and a lot of other
- people RAW is the best diskmag in the
- scene. What is your winning recipe?
- ¤8K: Our recipe is quite simple. First
- add some good coding, good music, good
- design and graphics. Mix it all to-
- gether, leave in the fridge for three
- months, take it out and add our secret
- ingredient; one slightly aggressive
- Lord Helmet and then cook for two
- hours and serve it, preferably with a
- nice intro.
- Ð
- ¤6C: Three months in the fridge you say.
- I'll try to remember that...
- Which one is your own favourite mag?
- ¤8K: I must say that I like RAW, but be-
- sides that I really look forward to
- each issue of the EuroChart, so I must
- say that it is my favourite mag (be-
- sides RAW, of course!).
- ¤6C: Alpha & Omega II was a nice demo,
- but obviously not nice enough to be
- among the three best in the demo com-
- petition at the Party II in Aars. Were
- you disappointed?
- ¤8K: I was not disappointed, because I
- did not get any money any way, but I
- think Cocy was a bit pissed off, espe-
- cially when he finds out that the demo
- only needed one point to get 3rd prize
- and when he finds out that Lord Helmet
- forgot to vote (!).
- ð
- ¤6C: Oh, that must have hurt. What are
- PMC's future plans. Any big project on
- its way?
- ¤8K: We have no future plans, Cocy is in
- the army and most of the members are
- working with games or are studing away
- from home, so I can say with out a
- doubt, that it will be a long time be-
- fore you see any PMC productions
- again.
- ¤6C: Ok, those were the standard
- questions. Now let's get a bit more
- personal...
- How is it being a Norwegian? Always
- being the best at everything, always
- beating the poor Swedes in skiing...
- Tell me, how do you feel about it?
- ¤8K: Well, first of all; I am NOT a
- Norwegian, I am an American (who has
- Ð
- ¤8been living in Norway for about 17
- years). Skiing is not really my cup of
- tea. Football is where I really find
- it interesting. Remember who beat San
- Marino and Holland, and who played 1-1
- with England. I really like the Norwe-
- gian nation side. (free PR for Norwe-
- gian football)
- ¤6C: Yeah, beating San Marino in foot-
- ball must be hard... By the way. It's
- nice to hear an American say football
- about our sport. I thought you called
- it soccer?? But anyway... Since Norway
- obviously is the centre of the world,
- why isn't the UN headquarters, the
- Egyptian pyramids or the White House
- situated here?
- ¤8K: You thought I was going to write
- something funny, didn't you? Well, you
- thought wrong then, didn't you!
- ð
- ¤6C: Well, you can't win all the time.
- Now over to something else. If you
- could choose between these three
- things, what would you choose, and
- why?
- 1.Winning 3 million dollars taxfree at
- the national lottery. Now you can live
- like a real bastard for the rest of
- your life not having to work 40 hours
- a week!
- 2.Being a famous moviestar. You will
- marry the best looking woman in the
- world, but you can never leave your
- house since hundreds of people are al-
- ways waiting outside, screaming for
- autographs and money. You will then
- spend all your money on drugs and al-
- cohol to die poor.
- 3.Being absolutely normal. Get a nice
- wife, two screaming kids, a dog and a
- Ð
- ¤6Volvo. You will all live a very happy,
- but not too glamorous life in a suburb
- ¤8K: I'll pick number 3 as that will
- make us all go 'aaahhh', but there is
- no special reason for picking it (as
- you can see I am in a hurry to finish
- this interview).
- ¤6C: Ok, let's finish it! Do you have
- any last words to say before we end?
- ¤8K: I would like to thank Calvin for
- this nice interview, and to make a
- public announcement: RAW issue 5 will
- be released at the Gathering. So that
- is one other reason to travel to Nor-
- way and get your hands on the best
- issue of the great mag ever.
- I would also like to wish Joyride good
- luck in the future (you'll need it
- :-) )! I would like to say hello to
- ð
- some few friends while I have the
- chance: (-no order-)
- Jaby and Fester of Absolute
- Funky of Agnostic Front
- Lizardking, Cybersonik and Style of
- Alcatraz
- MCS, Fairfax, Lizard, Mr. Hyde,
- Hydra, Moxy and the rest of Andromeda
- Mr. Frenzy of Animators
- Wolfman of Balance
- Anvil of Black Monks
- Krest of Cryptoburners
- Cononel of Deadline
- Shade and Kreator of Devils
- Leebold and Desto of Dual Crew
- Elric of Essence
- Darky and Simpson of Equinox
- Gadget of Infect
- Killraven of Interpol
- Steriod of Jetset
- Hurricane and Casket of Legend
- The Pride of Lemon
- Ð
- All in Macabre Productions
- Rack and Zinko of Majic 12
- Seen of Melon Dezign
- Kris, Logic and Astro of Movement
- Core of Noxious
- X3B of Rage
- Trasher of Sanity
- Executioner of Scoopex
- Mike of Shining
- Animal and WOTW of Silents
- Bundy and The Model of Sonic
- Everyone in Spaceballs
- Quackbuster of Static Bytes
- Dalmak of Stellar
- Sledge of Supernova
- Decca of Supplex
- Djengis Khan of Talent
- Cone of TRSI
- Zany of Virtual Dreams
- Calvin of Voice
- Adder of X-Trade
- That's just the people I remember of
- ð
- the top of my head, so if anyone is
- left out please dont feel too bad, ok!
- ¤6C: Ok, thanks a lot! Have a nice life
- and good luck with RAW in the future!!
- And by the way. How many of your
- answers do you think we will change
- before we publish this interview?!!
- ¤8K: All of them (that's what we would
- have done!).
- Ð